Grade 3
- Art
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religion
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technical Arts
The theme in Grade 3 is Art from Many Cultures. The children are exposed to examples of art created in different times and places. They develop appreciation of the artistic contributions of various ethnic groups in our culture. They begin to understand that much can be learned about people through their art. The children grow in their understanding that art is a universal form of expression found in every culture.
Language Arts
In Grade 3, students learn to look at words as two or more syllabic or meaning units. Spelling and vocabulary study are integrated, and students develop study and test taking strategies for vocabulary tests. During Guided Reading, students work at their individual reading levels in small groups and practice literacy skills independently at centers. As authors, students practice writing personal narratives, fairy tales, research reports, and paragraph writing, as well as learn informational and persuasive writing skills. The children build on the manuscript letter formation skills to learn cursive handwriting using the Handwriting Without Tears program.
Students in Grade 3 continue their deep study of mathematics using the Singapore Math program. They are introduced to solving word problems using bar model drawing, as well as solving multi-step problems. Students also learn their multiplication and division facts through 10. They apply this knowledge to multiplication and division in problems using up to four digits. Grade 3 students continue to expand their study of measurement, fractions, time, and money.
In music, students build on the foundation started in earlier years, adding the study of notes on the staff. Students have opportunities to improvise on Orff instruments as well as to play more complex accompaniments. More complex movement and body percussion are added to the lessons. A highlight of the year is the introduction of the recorder as an instrument.
Physical Education
Students begin dressing out in P.E. uniforms. Grade 3 P.E. introduces students to more complex manipulative skills and intermediate level games that include a basic understanding of offense and defense, teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship. Games of low organization, including captain’s ball, kickball, and rounders, are played. Throughout the fall and spring swimming units, Grade 3 students strengthen and refine their swim strokes, build endurance, and learn the beginning fundamentals of diving.
In Grade 3, Religion class emphasizes belonging to God and His covenants, as expressed in the Hebrew scripture stories. Students learn the Golden Rule, recognizing its relevance in every faith tradition and culture. The Ten Commandments are also studied in the Old Testament and then explored together, finding relevance and application in our lives today. Justice, peace, and service become tangible expressions of the universal church community.
In Grade 3, students study science using the Full Option Science System (FOSS) program, which gives many opportunities for hands-on investigations. Students observe, compare, categorize, and care for plants and animals while they learn about their structure and life cycles. Students explore the properties of water, the water cycle and weather, the interactions between water and other earth materials, and how humans use water as a natural resource. Students collaborate in a variety of activities that allow them to use scientific thinking and strategies.
Social Studies
Grade 3 students expand their studies of their local community to their region and beyond through interactive and collaborative activities using the Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI) program. They create interactive notebooks as they learn about geography, different cultures, the economy, government, and public service roles. They create and ratify their own class constitution.
Technical Arts
Technical Arts is a class that blends technology, design, and engineering. Students are introduced to computer technologies by learning to type and navigate computer interfaces. Students are also introduced to the foundations of computer science and engineering via hands-on projects that give them lots of opportunities to create and develop ideas.
Throughout the year, students develop the skills of innovation, collaboration, prototyping, and testing ideas to increase creativity in the technical arts and other areas of school life. Their efforts guide them to become “adaptive” learners, capable of embracing a mindset that will prepare them to become creative lifelong learners.