Health & Safety
The Santa Catalina Health Center is staffed by qualified nurses to take care of the immediate medical needs of all students during the school day and to coordinate other services. The nurses are supported by local medical professionals, including consulting physicians. Medical emergencies are handled by the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, which is located 10 minutes from campus.
The Health Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. We have two registered nurses who work closely with local physicians and our local hospital to oversee the health of all students.
To contact the Health Center, please call 831.655.9347 during school hours. Emails may be sent to
Campus Emergencies
Santa Catalina School maintains a comprehensive emergency plan in coordination with Monterey County police and fire officials. In the case of a natural or manmade emergency on campus, we implement responses based on our plan and our training. We drill for school day and night/weekend situations. We have accessible supplies of food and water in the case of emergency, and we have generators to provide power to essential locations at school.
In the case of a disruption of our regular schedule, we notify our community through email, telephone, and SMS text messages. We partner with Blackboard Connect communication system in order to communicate effectively with parents, students, and/or emergency contacts. All families are enrolled in the system using information provided for the school-maintained database. When school is notified about a change in this contact information, the Blackboard Connect data is automatically updated to ensure every family is able to receive these important notifications.
For more information, please contact John Aimé, Assistant Head of School, at 831.655.9321 or