
At Catalina, Halloween means more than costumes

At Santa Catalina Lower and Middle School, Halloween lasts all month!

Students and faculty alike look forward to the big day, when they get to come to school in fun costumes, go trick-or-treating, and play relay games in the Catalina famous Pumpkin Olympics. But classes take advantage of the holiday in a variety of other ways.

PreK and kindergarten students always enjoy field trips to The Farm in Spreckels, where they take a hay ride, wander around the pumpkin patch, and visit with the farm’s animals.

Students also engage in service through their class-level Projects of Passion. First graders celebrate the holiday with residents of a senior living facility, and kindergartners make special Halloween-themed placemats for Meals on Wheels.

And then there are the learning opportunities. This year, for example, third graders took pumpkins into the science lab to muck out the seeds and practice their estimation skills.

These are just a few examples of how Catalina turns a holiday into a 360 degree experience.

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