Distinguished Alumna Award

The Distinguished Alumna Award presents a role model to alumnae and students by recognizing a woman who displays dedication and service in her volunteer or professional endeavors and who shows sustained interest in support of Santa Catalina and the Alumnae Association. The Distinguished Alumna award is given annually to members of the Alumnae Association.

Recent Recipients


Nominate an Alumna


The Distinguished Alumna Award is given annually to members of the Alumnae Association, and recipients are recognized at Reunion in the following categories:

  1. For dedication and service to school, an alumna is recognized for her: dedication and devotion in service to Santa Catalina School and its mission; sustained interest in support of the school and Alumnae Association; actions as a role model for alumnae, current students, and future graduates of Santa Catalina School.
  2. For service and dedication in professional or community endeavors, an alumna is recognized for her: dedication to lifelong growth and learning; service to humanity; caring commitment to her profession or community above and beyond standard expectations; habits of heart, mind, and action that are examples and inspiration to the Santa Catalina community.

Nomination Process

All alumnae are encouraged to nominate Santa Catalina alumnae whose accomplishments and contributions exemplify the Santa Catalina mission through extraordinary personal achievement and outstanding service to Santa Catalina School, to community, family, and profession.

Please submit nominations using the form below. If possible, a resume or brief biography should also be included. Other letters of support are welcomed.

Distinguished Alumnae are selected by the Alumnae Council and the Administration.

The Distinguished Alumna Award is presented annually at the Alumnae Reunion. Speeches given by Distinguished Alumnae have become an inspirational cornerstone of Reunion Weekend. The recipients are honored with an engraved gift as a keepsake, a feature article in the Bulletin, and a profile on the website.

Nomination Form

Include the following information when submitting nominations:

  • A summary of significant contribution(s) and/or achievement(s) relating to the specific award criteria for which the alumna is being nominated. 
  • Any relevant information you feel the nominating committee should consider.


(First, Maiden, Last)

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