Sister Claire and Sister Christine Endowment for Health and Wellness
Enhancing Health and Wellness Campus Wide
In this increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, Santa Catalina is aware of the ongoing need to provide and continually enhance services for students of all ages and for the faculty and staff who support them.
As Santa Catalina considers its goal to inspire positive growth of the physical, intellectual, and spiritual person, there is no requisite more compelling than that of balance. The ability to develop and maintain balance results from sound information, thoughtful reassurance, reasonable boundaries, and appropriate experience. The result is a self-confident individual who exercises good judgment, makes wise decisions, and embodies empathy and respect for others.
In keeping with Santa Catalina’s ongoing efforts to provide balance in the lives of students, the school now looks to expand the education and support currently offered through the Office of Student Services, advisory programs, and the Health Center. This expansion will occur through a curricular and co-curricular program and will be enabled, in part, by the Sister Claire and Sister Christine Endowment for Health and Wellness.
Goals and Outcomes
The Sister Claire and Sister Christine Endowment for Health and Wellness has been established to lend support to three components that are critical to the initiative’s success:
With assistance from the Sister Claire and Sister Christine Endowment for Health and Wellness, this initiative will provide a strong and necessary component in the school’s educational program. It will offer critical training for students and staff and will be a most welcome and positive enhancement to the Santa Catalina experience.
Please contact the Development Office with questions or to discuss a gift to school: 831.655.9379