Faculty & Staff Profiles

Claire Barone

Claire Barone

Titles: Head Emerita
Degree(s): B.A., theology, University of San Francisco

Sister Claire—leader, teacher, and dog lover—retired after 44 years at Santa Catalina School. A native San Franciscan, she graduated from Saint Rose Academy and received her bachelor of arts in theology from the University of San Francisco. During her tenure at Santa Catalina, she taught religious studies and math; served as a class advisor; and held the positions of registrar, assistant head of upper school, head of upper school, and assistant head of school. She became head of school in 2002 and served in that position until she retired in June 2016. She led the renovation and development of the Lower and Middle School campus and the establishment of the new Upper School mathematics and science facility. She has overseen the professional development of faculty and has encouraged the growth of character and academic excellence in students. She is a wise and loyal supporter of alumni, parents, and friends.