Student Life
Live your best life. Truly.
Spend a day on Santa Catalina School's campus and it’ll become clear just how close our students are. They’re more than classmates. Their support, care, and encouragement for each other cultivate a true sisterhood.
These bonds are built through shared experiences that go way beyond the classroom. In extracurricular life, students dive into athletics, the arts, and student clubs. They throw themselves into school traditions and engage in community service. They learn from one another in a global community that benefits boarding and day students alike.
This is where lifelong friendships are forged.
Student Life Blog
Take a peek inside life at an all-girls boarding and day school—and get some advice along the way—with our student blog, Study Hall Stories.
Campus Tour
On the scenic Monterey Peninsula, a short walk from downtown Monterey, the Santa Catalina School campus comprises 36 acres of flowering gardens along with traditional and modern buildings that house spaces for learning and living.